Latest news

Latest in generosity news on topics of interest across New Zealand, in the media and from our regular and guest bloggers

  • Listen to Dr Claire Routley interviewed on National Radio about shaping personal legacies and community foundations - listen to the interview here
  • NZ's rich list is in the news! Watch this short story on TVNZ's Breakfast, including the work of Wellington's community foundation - watch the news story here

Where there’s a will, there’s a way (to give back)

11 Sep 2023

For those who want to use their will to do good in a strategic and long-lasting way, the community foundation model is worth a look...

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Giving back to your local community forever

04 Sep 2023

Sir Stephen Tindall is a name that is synonymous with community, financial growth and giving and he was inspired when he discovered the unique community foundation giving model in the USA over 20 years ago...

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Kiwis love to leave their legacy locally

28 Aug 2023

A rise in localism, coupled with a rise in will-making across the world, has seen a lift in the number of legacy gifts New Zealanders are leaving in their wills. Today, the New Zealand community foundations’ network has over 650 confirmed legacy gifts, all to be invested for the benefit of local communities...

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Top tips for leaving a charitable gift in your will

25 Aug 2023

The New Zealand Law Society Te Kāhui Ture o Aotearoa. Giving gifts in your will is a sensible way to ensure your legacy remains after you pass....

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The first remarkable gift

02 Aug 2023

Our very first donor, Edna Brown, gave a remarkable gift which has sparked a multimillion-dollar network...

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Building strong communities

13 Jun 2023

Our management team attended Reconnect2023, the Community Foundations of Canada conference in Toronto earlier this month, set amongst great anticipation and palpable excitement, with 750 delegates from 21 nations...

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