Latest news

Latest in generosity news on topics of interest across New Zealand, in the media and from our regular and guest bloggers

  • Listen to Dr Claire Routley interviewed on National Radio about shaping personal legacies and community foundations - listen to the interview here
  • NZ's rich list is in the news! Watch this short story on TVNZ's Breakfast, including the work of Wellington's community foundation - watch the news story here

Building an asset for Southland

05 Jun 2024

May 30th marked a milestone for Southland, New Zealand, as the community launched its very own community foundation, as a means to provide the infrastructure for locals to give in a long-term, strategic way. The launch, held at the Chamber of Commerce in Invercargill, was the culmination of two years of planning...

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Measuring what matters

23 Apr 2024

Recently I attended a community sector webinar where a community leader expressed frustration at not being able to afford an ‘impact report’. The resulting discussion exposed the pressure community organisations are feeling to prove their impact through what can be costly consultant reports...

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The power of collective women's giving

08 Mar 2024

Giving circles offer immense opportunities to empower new types of giving, and across the planet we see them empowering women’s giving, in particular...

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Giving while you’re living is 33.333333% better

02 Feb 2024

Now is a great time of year to consider giving goals, as donations made now are eligible for a 33.3% tax credit this year, up to the amount of tax you pay...

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The energy of local changemakers

25 Jan 2024

Funding into communities is important, but what if unlocking local energy is our most powerful resource of all, enabling us to embark on the transformational work and empowerment that our communities need?

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Waikato, more than a river runs through it.

15 Dec 2023

Recently Arron Perriam Executive Director at Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand, visited the team at Momentum Waikato Community Foundation. The agenda for the day was to get a glimpse of the incredible examples of community building in Waikato.

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