
Working in partnership with local charities and causes.

Community Foundations can assist local charities and causes by setting up ‘special interest funds’, or a specific fund for a specific cause, including through a Trust resettlement process.

CFNZ Charities

Why start your charity’s own Endowment Fund?

  • It will return far more to your charity over time than a one-off donation
  • The perpetuity model ensures a sustainable income stream, forever
  • Your donors will appreciate being given another, more strategic option for supporting the cause that they love
  • You will grow in confidence having conversations around major gifts and bequests
  • It’s fundraising with a strategic lens, appealing to forward-thinking Boards
  • Your endowment fund will be suggested as an option for donors and marketed along with the range of Community Foundation funds
  • Economies of scale and a very low fee structure lead to better investment returns
  • The capital is preserved forever, with the extra income being reinvested each year to ensure fund health and factoring in inflation
  • Funds are held off your balance sheet with income flowing back as a revenue stream
  • A professionally managed fund will attract larger gifts

Read our recent article on charity endowment funds which ran in Exult's Tonic Magazine

Contact your local Community Foundation today to find out how your charity or cause can work in partnership for significant future benefit.

Or, if your charitable Trust is struggling to fulfill its purpose, you can talk with us about enabling your Trust's purpose to continue on. Recent changes to the Trusts Act have encouraged a number of Trust resettlements across NZ, see more details here - resettling local Charitable Trusts

Find your nearest Community Foundation