Show your love locally

Eleanor Cater
April 24th 2020

In our line of work we are constantly amazed at the generosity shown by New Zealanders, and in particular the fierce love that they show for their local community.

The past few weeks have shown us how fierce this love can be, from the selfless acts of kindness we see unfolding all across the country – volunteering, donating goods, time and resources for the betterment of communities.

Our new ‘show your love locally’ campaign* has really been driven by the generosity we see growing across Aotearoa New Zealand. Our work in communities puts us in touch with many people who simply want to help strengthen their community. In recent weeks NZ’s government, community and philanthropy have stepped up in the most extraordinary way and it’s hard to know where the gaps are and/or how to be a part of long-term community transformation.

This is where your local Community Foundation can help, with one eye on the changing needs and the other on the landscape of funding operating in the community, all the while respecting the wishes of donors and how they want to make a difference.

So if you want to know where your resources will be put to best use, both in terms of short-term needs, but crucially also in terms of longer-term community resilience, talk with your local Community Foundation today to work out how to most thoughtfully show your love locally.

Kia ora New Zealand, thank you for your generosity.

*Thank you to our wonderful supporters for making this campaign a reality - Sir Stephen Tindall, MediaWorks, TVNZ and Plato Creative - thank you!

Date Posted: 23 Apr 2020

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