Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand (CFNZ) announces name change to Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand (CFANZ)
In a move that reflects a genuine commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand is proud to announce a change to its identity. Effective September 26th 2023, the organisation will be known as the "Community Foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand."
“This name change is a culmination of extensive reflection and a deep appreciation of Māori as tangata whenua. We are committed to being good Te Tiriti partners”, said Arron Perriam, Executive Director of CFANZ.
“The community foundation model is grounded in being place based, and the inclusion of Aotearoa is very much an expression of our special place in the world and an acknowledgement of the special place tangata whenua hold in this land”.
CFANZ already uses Aotearoa in their mission statement ‘Strengthening the communities of Aotearoa – Hei whakakaha, i ngā hāpori o Aotearoa’. “Our new name is a fuller expression of who we are, since Aotearoa is already intrinsic in our mission. We work to foster community well-being, social equity, and sustainable development across the nation, and this name change underscores our commitment to authentically support Māori self-determination," said Perriam.
"CFANZ recognises the need for community organisations such as ours to work together with Māori in partnership for improved community outcomes and realise the potential for generosity throughout Aotearoa. We acknowledge that we have much to learn from Māori around how they express generosity which will lead to greater social cohesion and strengthened communities”.
For further information contact:
Arron Perriam
Executive Director
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