Meaningful corporate giving

Stacey Scott
CFNZ Board Chair
19 October 2020

In recent years, corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a higher priority for companies as they recognise the numerous benefits to their businesses, employees and communities. Being seen to be a caring corporate is an increasingly important objective for many successful businesses.

Changes in consumer attitudes have become a key driver for increasing CSR activities as well as increasing pressure from employees who want to work for reputable, ethical and charitable businesses.

Many businesses are choosing to help their local community, support their staff and improve their environmental footprint in order to become a more responsible employer. These efforts can include promoting workplace giving programmes (which can be matched by the employer) and giving client gifts that are ethically and socially responsible.

Being a socially responsible employer can offer numerous benefits for the businesses involved as well as to employees, and the local community, including:

  • Boosting employee engagement.
  • Creating a positive workplace environment.
  • Increasing innovation and creativity.
  • Encouraging professional and personal growth.
  • Attracting and retaining talent.
  • Improving public image and brand reputation.

Our community connections keep us in contact with many local businesses and there certainly seems to be a growing sense of CSR out there.

And it’s that time of year rolling around already when businesses are thinking what they will give to their clients as a heartfelt thank you at Christmas.

For caring corporate and individual donors Community Foundations are able to offer something really different: “a gift that lasts forever”. Donations to a Community Foundation will be pooled, invested and grown, with the ongoing income earned going to local causes.

It truly is a gift that lasts forever, and – handily at Christmas time - it can come with a gift certificate to that effect.

Our message to the sector after a challenging year is to pause and reflect, and perhaps give something meaningful this Christmas, which might include giving thoughtfully through your local Community Foundation.

It could be just what your corner of the world needs right now - and your clients, staff and community will love you for it.

Contact your local Community Foundation today to discuss how you can give more meaningfully in your community this Christmas

Date Posted: 19 Oct 2020

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