Making a real difference through leadership

Making a real difference through leadership

Gabrielle Sturrock
CFNZ Trustee
8 December 2020

I am so proud to have joined the Community Foundations of NZ (CFNZ) Board as a Trustee, principally because of the wonderful work that CFNZ and its member Community Foundations are doing to help New Zealanders strengthen their communities and change lives.

I have been involved with the Community Foundation movement for over ten years now, most recently by working for The London Community Foundation in the UK. I’m pleased to be able to give back and hopefully make a difference here in New Zealand.

While many people don’t think of themselves as philanthropists – it’s a word that many only associate with the super-rich – most people do want to make a difference in the world. And that’s what I love about the Community Foundation movement – it’s a fantastic way for individuals, families, businesses to give back and make a lasting difference, together, to issues that matter in their communities.

As grant-makers with deep roots in their localities, Community Foundations know where great, impactful work is taking place, and they make it simple to support this work. Community Foundations connect expertise on the ground with those who can offer financial support and are working hard to build up endowments that will provide a sustainable source of funding for Kiwi communities for decades to come.

It is an exciting time to join CFNZ. The global COVID-19 pandemic has driven home the importance of good community leadership. By proactively combining philanthropy and local knowledge to deal with emerging issues, Community Foundations are fast becoming community leaders across the world. Just one example here, the Wakatipu COVID-19 Greatest Needs Fund, has demonstrated the positive leverage that comes from a Community Foundation’s local knowledge, ability to convene, to access resources and demonstrate leadership, can make a remarkable difference.

I am delighted to be on board!

Date Posted: 08 Dec 2020

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