Make your giving go further

Eleanor Cater
Executive Officer
Community Foundations of NZ
7 October 2019

Our bright new brand
This week we launch our bright new brand and we are very proud to explain, in what we think is a much clearer way, what we do.

We are all about making your giving go further and forever and our smarter giving model makes it possible for anyone’s generosity to have ongoing impact in the community they love.

Community Foundations have been growing as a movement across Aotearoa New Zealand for just 16 years and we have a huge heart and soul for our local communities, but there is a bit of brand confusion across NZ in that we are often mistaken as another community trust or ‘just another’ local fundraising arm for projects and causes.

Yes, we give out community grants, and yes, we often facilitate changemaking community projects, but we are also so much more than that!

What is our unique proposition? Well, primarily it is that we are nurturing and growing the generosity of a region. We provide a place for people to channel their generosity into impactful, meaningful initiatives and we provide a structure that makes it possible for anyone’s generosity to have ongoing impact in their beloved community.

We are immensely proud of the work and the passion happening across Aotearoa NZ and we hope we have captured some of that magic here. Have a browse through this new website - designed by the talented Plato Creative team! - take a look at our new ‘how it works’ video and let us know if you have any feedback or want to talk further about playing your part in channeling your generosity in a more impactful, meaningful, way.

This work is good - ka pai rā tēnei mahi.

Date Posted: 07 Oct 2019

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