Kiwi generosity - it's in our DNA

Sue McCabe
Chief Executive
Philanthropy New Zealand

5 September 2020

One of the many aspects of Kiwi life we can be proud of is our generosity. The Global Giving Index places New Zealand third in the world for our volunteering, donating, and willingness to help a stranger.

While we’re a generous bunch, we need to step it up! Aotearoa has some serious issues and there are many people needing additional support from not for profits.

We face harmful climate change, too many children live in poverty, we have shockingly high family violence rates, and people of different genders, ethnicities, sexual orientation and abilities experience discrimination.

Our generosity can take many forms, and a powerful one is giving money. Whatever your area of passion, there will be a charity working hard in that space. Your money will help them do more good.

There’s many ways you can donate to your chosen cause/s. Options include payroll giving, one off or regular donations direct to charities, or using knowledgeable intermediaries.

One of the fastest growing generosity intermediaries is the international Community Foundations movement. They harness the generosity of a region, invest gifts and ensure donations make a real difference in your back yard.

Community Foundations across New Zealand work with generous people who want to support their local community, and in particular during September Wills Month promote the idea of leaving a gift to your community in your will. We support this campaign, as gifts in wills can be transformational in terms of what charities can achieve.

We encourage New Zealanders to take time in September to think about what legacy they’d like to leave to their community. Whether big or small, leaving a bequest to a charity close to your heart will make a difference.

Date Posted: 05 Sep 2020

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