Giving while you’re living is 33.333333% better

Give Smart, Get Back!
Maximise Your Impact with a 33.3% Tax Credit

As we approach the end of the fiscal year, now is the perfect time to align your giving goals with a substantial reward. By contributing to your local Community Foundation before March 31st, you can unlock a 33.3% tax credit, allowing you to make a difference in your community while receiving significant savings on your taxes.

The Inland Revenue Department (IRD) offers two convenient ways to claim your tax credit – either by submitting copies of your donation receipts electronically throughout the year via your myIR account or by filing the tax credit claim form (IR526) from April of the following year. And here's a bonus tip: If you've missed claiming tax credits for donations in the past, the IRD allows you to go back up to four years, covering tax years 2020 through 2023.

For those seeking an even smoother process, consider signing up with Supergenerous. They take the hassle out of saving and lodging receipts, making it easy for you to retrieve your donation receipts from charitable organisations. Plus, you can choose to regift your tax credit, amplifying the impact of your giving.

Support Your Region – Make a Lasting Impact:
Within our Community Foundation network we witness the incredible generosity of donors who are shaping their local communities. You can support your region in various ways – from creating your own endowment fund to partnering with us to identify causes in need. Whether it's supporting organisations addressing urgent needs, funding scholarships, or honouring loved ones, there's a cause that resonates with everyone.

Don't miss the chance to make your giving go further with the 33.3% tax credit. Act now, and let's create positive change together through your local Community Foundation!

#GiveSmartGetBack #CommunityImpact #TaxCreditMagic

Date Posted: 02 Feb 2024

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