Generosity - it’s in our genes

Generosity – it’s in our genes

Arron Perriam
Executive Director
Community Foundations of NZ
13 September 2022

It is understood generosity is a product of both nature and nurture, so researchers are now teasing apart just how much of a role genetics play.

Whilst they do this, I’ll put it out there that Kiwis are a mighty generous bunch, featuring regularly in the top handful of countries for generosity on the World Giving Index, donating circa $4 billion dollars to charitable causes in 2021, and volunteering their time to make a difference.

The brilliant thing about ‘GeneRosity’ is it's entirely up to the individual to express their generosity in the form, financial or focused manner which they themselves determine.

Increasingly we’re seeing people give in different ways. Whether it's responding to a shaken bucket street side or gifting digital currency, it seems the possibilities are endless for expressing one’s generosity towards others.

With the rapid growth of Community Foundations across Aotearoa New Zealand we’re seeing more and more people choosing to give strategically, or more thoughtfully if you like. Labeled by some as ‘a new way of giving’, Community Foundations provide a trusted vehicle for Kiwis to make their generosity go further - in fact further than further, your generosity goes on forever benefiting the cause you care about most.

The fact that already Kiwis have thoughtfully entrusted $750 million of their generosity into the safe hands of Community Foundations proves the DNA of geneRosity in New Zealand is alive and well, and maturing like us all.

Date Posted: 13 Sep 2022

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