Community philanthropy is stepping up

Eleanor Cater
23 March 2020

In response to Covid-19 communities are stepping up and here at Community Foundations we are considering how we might help to shape community response and steer philanthropy to where it is going to be needed most in the coming weeks and months ahead.

Community priorities will change and there will likely be an increase in needs for healthcare, food banks, elderly support, housing, and social support services. Across the board community needs are going to be immense and we will probably find ourselves funding initiatives never considered before.

Our challenge and commitment to our communities will be to remain flexible and nimble with our funding, enabling it to reach where it’s needed most and removing barriers to those on the front line of service delivery.

Harnessing the goodwill and resources of communities is of utmost importance right now and this is where Community Foundations can be well placed to connect generosity with the crucial work required to get communities through this crisis.

So, if you have resources to give, talk with your local Community Foundation about how they can be put to the most effective use in your community right now.

A number of Community Foundations are accepting donations into funds to be channeled where the needs are the greatest (see this link for the current situation across New Zealand) and collaborative giving strategies are emerging between funders in communities - see this example with The Waikato Funder's Group

We are seeing caring philanthropy unfolding before our eyes and will share some of the best stories right here, so stay tuned. Surely stories of the best of the human spirit and generosity are just what we all need right now.

Kia kaha New Zealand, community will see us through.

New Zealand Community Foundation responses to Covid-19

Date Posted: 23 Mar 2020

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