Giving back to a beloved community

A former Karamu High School student has gifted a sizeable donation to the school that’s set to benefit Karamu’s schooling community for many years to come.

The donor, who wishes to remain anonymous, has been donating regularly to the school but wanting to make a more permanent gift felt compelled to set up their own fund to the tune of $100,000 through Hawke’s Bay Foundation.

The newly named Karamu High School Fund will provide financial support in perpetuity to Karamu High School for the benefit of its 900 plus students in their academic, cultural and sporting activities. As a permanent Fund, it will provide an annual donation to the school for items not funded by government grants.

Karamu Principal Dionne Thomas is thrilled to have such an unexpected asset for their school.

“Having our own endowment fund at Hawke’s Bay Foundation is a remarkable gift from a treasured Tira Ora (alumni of Karamu) that will be there forever to benefit the current students of Karamu High School.”

Karamu High School principal Dionne Thomas said a donation of $100,000 towards an endowment fund was a remarkable gift from a treasured Tira Ora

Hawke’s Bay Foundation Executive Officer Amy Bowkett has worked with community foundations for several years but says it’s not every day someone like this ‘comes out of the woodwork.’

“The Karamu High School Fund is the first of its kind here in Hawke’s Bay. We are very grateful to our donor for giving us the opportunity to support Hastings’ first co-educational high school in perpetuity. Having an endowment fund ensures the school will receive a guaranteed income annually, that will grow over time.”

Karamu High School was opened in 1962 and came at a time when Hastings and its suburbs where undergoing significant growth. At decile 4, it has it has one of the largest school rolls in Hawke’s Bay and a team of 70 staff.

In a brief statement, the anonymous donor envisages that the Fund will be used for items such as equipment, improving school facilities, learning materials, team activities and scholarships.

“My hope is that this Fund will be supported by other school alumni or current students, growing in value over the years to become a significant source of extra funds for the school. I certainly appreciated the start Karamu gave me in life.”

Read more stories of generous kiwis giving to their communities here

Giving stories